Membership Info

Your membership matters, because there is strength in numbers!
It is through your membership that PFLAG of Jacksonville can meet the people who need support, education, and advocacy where they need it most. Your membership will help us to expand chapter outreach, nurture the chapter's health, and grow PFLAG of Jacksonville's involvement within the community and with other organizations.
Through your membership dues, we are able to maintain a financial base that allows our board to report and support the needs of the community. Your dues help pay for expenses such as the helpline, billboards, program costs, and publications.
Not only will you become a member of your local PFLAG chapter, but you will also become a member of the National Chapter. A portion of your dues will go to the PFLAG National Chapter to aid in their nationwide educational efforts.
Local business membership benefits coming soon....
Pay Membership Dues
Pay your membership dues securely via the PayPal button below. Click on the Donate button below and choose your membership level.